Acoustic Engineer

Acoustic Engineer

The study of sound and vibration is the specialty of an acoustical engineer. The acoustic engineers at Design Plus concentrate primarily on measuring and controlling noise and vibration that may impact people and the general population. Our engineers have specialized training in vibration, sound, and application. The main goal is to reduce noise while ensuring that businesses, factories, and other establishments comply with noise regulations. We make sure to consider other things, such as design and analysis.


Our acoustic engineers conduct measurements and diagnose construction sites to offer the installation solution. Our company’s acoustical engineer investigates ways to reduce noise annoyance by identifying the predominant sound sources.


At Design Plus, acoustical engineers will conduct an appropriate property line noise study to pinpoint the offending noise source. We provide safer, more affordable, and more effective services to eliminate your annoying sound from an external source. Now lighten your load by entrusting the handling of your sound to our professional experts.


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